Nude Church - First, a note from Felicity of FKK: The countdown begins just 14 days until Nude Year's Eve! It is that crazy time of year again.. "the vacations." December is the type of month where you blink and then it's January, fresh with colder temps

To appease your unbridled anticipation of this nude occasion, I 'll be featuring guest websites over the next few days from our Nude Year's Eve patrons! In their own words they will talk about what they do naked (a variety of things) and how they are involved with NYE 2012.
To start, here is a private and thoughtful post from Isis Phoenix Sensuous Shaman.
Naked Church
As I sifted through more than three years of old photographs, I was shocked at my quite visceral response to them. At recall being afraid to look at photos of myself practicing yoga nude, and so I hid them deep in the belly of the hard drive on my computer. But today, something made me look and when I did, I saw such unmistakable beauty present in this practice that I was previously unavailable to completely witness.
Naked yoga has been among the most amazing and self sustaining practices of my life. As a woman who holds space for this practice, naked yoga, more than anything else, has assisted me in going beyond the body image bullshit' that has collected throughout my life. This practice drops me into one-ness with my body, releasing the bully of the head the and the judgment of the ego. The naked yoga practice has been a constant in my life for the past three and a half years, a blooming perennial that continues to bloom, sustain and resurrect itself each year. Of course when I brought my movement to NYC, I was certain I was the first to trail blaze this movement. But unfortunately, I'm reminded there is no original work, as there were already a few naked yoga circles going in NYC. Another was located in Brooklyn, man run and man attended, but allowed girls. And then there was a group already led by a woman named Britt McMurray who had taken over naked yoga courses from a woman named Wendy Tremaine. collaborated with Britt for a brief time until she left, and then opened Phoenix Temple shortly after to hold on-going classes for Nude Yoga. Out of the Phoenix Temple a strong group of girls began to educate naked yoga.
As far as being naked in practice, not only has espousing my body unconditionally helped cure my own shame, but it is made me more at ease in the world. I find there are so many more layers I have to work through when I attend a clothed yoga course not merely layers of clothes but also of karma keeping me separate from the expertise, the group and the yoga.
This practice has been so dear to me and the press has been forthcoming and also, astonishingly full of grace. 'm amazed at how this practice transforms lives. In the last five years, there has been a stunning lack of ill-intentioned folks showing up to practice naked yoga. Most are earnest, nervous, with a desire and yearning to continue to unravel their own societal shame of conditioning. are looking for a second of hush and liberty in the galloping pace of New York City. Each time, I feel myself go into contraction around a pose in class, thinking, Oh my god, my butt is in the air, and I believe I 've a hemorrhoid from this cleanse I Have been doing' I Breathe, Release and Surrender. Ahhh. This practice has been my lifeblood. It's always expanding, changing, and growing and I adore it.